Simplify Your Anime and Manga List Management on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
We develop and deliver applications for macOS and iOS since 2009 that makes managing anime and manga libraries on Kitsu, AniList, and MyAnimeList a whole lot easier.
Our Apps
We develop a variety of apps to simplify your Anime and Manga List Management experience for AniList, Kitsu, and MyAnimeList and studying Japanese.
Shukofukurou for iOS

Manage your Kitsu, AniList and MyAnimeList Lists, Discover New Titles and More, now on iOS and iPadOS.

Automatically update your Kitsu, AniList, and MyAnimeList Library based on what Anime you are watching.

Easier and Effective Alternative to Anki for studying Japanese Vocabulary and Kanji in the Apple Ecosystem.

Yes! We are Open
All our programs are open source, meaning you have the freedom to redistribute, study/improve the code, or distribute modified copies.
However, it’s not free as in beer. We rely on donations to allow us to continue developing these programs.You can find out more on how you can support us.
Need Support?
Use our Support Forums to report any bugs, suggest new features or ask questions.